
Five years ago today I suffered cardiac arrest. Every year I pull up the imagery and look at things – I was completely out when these images were made and it’s strange to see my ghostly, unconscious face in some of them. I have all of my various scans and catheterizations from the event, and I also have the placement of the stent, which I’ll share short clips of below.

Early morning of 2/18/2016

Thank you to Alison, Mechell, and the EMTs and cardiac folx who helped me survive those initial hours. Thanks to Danno and Mr. C, Christopher and Julie, Daniel and Sharon, and Sarah (among many others), for coming to visit me. Thanks to Mom Bourgeois for much aid through her own time of grief. Thanks to my dad who gave me two aspirin 30 minutes before my heart attack and thus probably saved my life. Thanks to Bobby Schembre who flew out and drove us back after it all. Blessings to my students, grads, and fellow faculty who helped maintain all of the school things, and mad props to the cardiac team at University Hospital (including my drill instructor cardiologist) who helped make me much healthier today than I was when it all happened.

It’s a weird life.

2 thoughts on “Traumaversary

  1. I am so glad we did not loose you. I did not know, if fate had called you in how would I have learned?
    My goodness Matthew, yes we would struggle on but without you, my first thoughts go to your children. Growing up without a dad. You give them such advantage. Your offer is to us all. Wake up World! He is dying to tell us something important.

  2. Pingback: Eight Years Overcoming | eikonktizo

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